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055 777 5851


Benefits Of Forever Bee Honey


Benefits Of Forever Bee Honey: 100% Natural & Pure. A great-tasting, all natural sweetener loaded with nature’s goodness. Throughout the ages, honey recognized as a premium natural food – a storehouse of energy that is easily digestible. This great-tasting, all-natural sweetener load with nature’s goodness.

  • 100% Natural
  • Provides quick energy
  • Natural sweetener, easily digested.

Bees make honey by traveling from flower to flower, removing the rich nectar. The nectar is temporarily stored in their bodies, where it mixes with their enzymes before being deposited into beehives. Throughout the ages, honey recognizes as a premium natural food – a storehouse of energy that is easily digestible. This great-tasting, all-natural sweetener load with nature’s goodness. Easy to digest, Forever Bee Honey quick and natural energy source for any occasion!

The word honeymoon was actually derived from an old tradition of having newly wedded couples stay together to take honey as much as possible for a whole month in order to increase their chances of fertility. During this period, they usually returned happy, fulfilled and fertile because honey is sweet and it increases rate of fertility in both men and women. All over the world and from generation to generation honey always known as a miracle healer. It use for food as well as medicine.

Forever bee honey is one of the finest and purest honey you can find around the world. Forever own some of the world’s largest Bee-Hive resources and their Bee products produced in accordance with United States stringiest regulations.

Honey is a finished product of many wonders.

Iit is natural syrup which chemical composition is that of food and represents sweetness, attraction, goodness, simplicity, satisfaction and fertility.
Honey rate better in value than sugar(refine). However, sugar crystalline carbohydrates extract from sugar cane and sugar beets. It is a non-nutritive empty calorie that robs the body of vitamins and minerals. Honey, a preserve of a unique creature known as Bees. Bee is a peculiar creature, intelligent, industrious, powerful, productive, aggressive and highly organized.
The composition and flavour of honey varies with the plant source of the nectar, processing and storage. Generally, the typical composition of honey said to be 41% fructose, 34%glucose, 18%water and 2%sucrose.the PH is 3.8 to 4.2.

What are the Ingredients?

Honey contains many ingredients needed to maintain good health, including 78% sugars (glucose, fructose and sucrose), and other minerals, vitamins, enzymes, proteins and amino acids. Forever Bee Honey contains only natural ingredients.

Benefits Of Forever Bee Honey

A great-tasting, all natural sweetener loaded with nature’s goodness. Throughout the ages, honey recognizes as a premium natural food – a storehouse of energy that is easily digestible. This great-tasting, the all-natural sweetener loaded with nature’s goodness.

it is a natural food, redirected and therefore easily tolerated by children and contains amino-acids, vitamins and minerals, also is a powerful anti-oxidant, anti-bacteria, and anti-fungi agent.This is why it is good for boosting of energy, wound healing, Hypoglycemia (low blood glucose level), skin care, inflammatory, allergic conditions etc.

  • Use of forever Bee honey during pregnancy gives zest of life and energy to the newborn body. And make the baby very hairy.
  • Given forever Bee honey to children in order to complete daily food intake. To enable them get all the minerals for necessary development of the mind.
  • Bedwetting, should a child develop bedwetting at night, give it one teaspoons of forever honey before going to bed.
  • Teething, use of forever honey when the baby’s teeth begins to appear because it will lessen the pain.
  • Forever honey helps to control the activities of the bowels. When constipated the a mouths taken should increased.
  • Give forever Bee honey to induce sleep for adults. 2 teaspoons before bed time.
  • It can be use to alleviate effects of sore throats.
  • Bee honey, used for dressing wounds and for smoothing the facial skin especially by women.
  • The ageing of the human body will be greatly slowed down if forever honey is taken daily.