
055 777 5851


055 777 5851




Original price was: ₵1500.00.Current price is: ₵1399.00.

  • Contains Natural and powerful antibiotic for excellent fight against  infections
  • Detoxifies the body and protects against infection by enhancing immune function
  • Clean your vaginal of unwanted dirt and particles
  • Tighten your vaginal and make it healthier


Candida-Vaginal Infections Pack is made of highly potent organic products that works effectively to get rid of candidiasis (yeast) and vaginal infections naturally. Powerful selected and proven natural products made to help you overcome yeast-vagina infections with no negative side effect.

Most women have a vaginal yeast infection at some time. Candida albicans is a common type of fungus. It is often found in small amounts in the vagina, mouth, digestive tract, and on the skin. Usually it does not cause disease or symptoms.
Canadians and the many other germs that normally live in the vagina keep each other in balance. However, sometimes the number of Candida albicans increases, leading to a yeast infection. Vaginal itching can be very troublesome especially when you are in a public place. Other yeast infection symptoms, aside from intense vaginal itching, are inflammation in your genital area and a whitish vaginal discharge.

CANDIDIASIS (YEAST) & VAGINA INFECTIONS NATURAL SOLUTION PACK – Natural Remedies for Candidiasis, Vagina Yeast Infections

Get rid of candida (yeast), vagina and STI (bacteria) infections with this natural solution. To emphasize, Candida albicans is a yeast that lives in small numbers on our skin, in our digestive tract and vagina. Our immune system and beneficial bacteria in our body prevent the yeast from overgrowing. However, If those are killed by antibiotics our immune system is weakened, Candida can take control Over our body and cause total discomfort. candida-vagina infections pack

To clarify Here would like to share with you some natural food supplements which will help to treat smoothly Candida (yeast) and Vaginal problem naturally and improve your general wellbing.

Here comes a natural remedy with the best of organic products just for you to treat Candidiasis (Yeast) infections, Abnormal Vaginal Discharges and UTI. Feel the liberating power. Walk with confidence. Sleep better knowing it gone forever.

That is to say, it Detoxifies the entire body system off toxins(Lactic acid, uric acid & sepsis caused by staph aureus), protecting the cells, tissues and organs(strong antioxidant).

BENEFITS OF THE CANDIDIASIS – Candida-Vaginal Infections Pack

  • It Protecting the cells, tissues and organs(strong antioxidant); aids rejuvenation.
  • And also, It is a natural immunomodulator and immuno stimulator i.e it helps to regulate and boost the immune system
  • Contains Natural and powerful antibiotic for excellent fight against  infections
  • Detoxifies the body and protects against infection by enhancing immune function
  • It also contains many sulphur compounds, which gives it its healing properties
  • It detoxifies the body system and fights against Staph aureus infection by enhancing immune function
  • As well as, Clean your vaginal of unwanted dirt and particles
  • Tighten your vaginal and make it healthier
  • Lastly, Beneficial and supports regular menstruation
Candida-Vaginal Infections Pack

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